10. Augment your craft with the best tech tools


Here’s a neat little list of everything we mentioned earlier, so you don’t have to scroll through the whole lesson again – we‘re good to you, aren’t we? Now, get cracking!

Task 1

Desktop delicacies

Here are the computer screenwriting tools you can check out for yourself:

  • Final Draft 10: $299.99
    Current industry standard
  • Celtx (basic): FREE (approx. $19.99 through the App Store)
    Most-used software, due to its industry contending features & price.

Task 2

For the small screen wordsmiths

Here are the mobile screenwriting apps we recommend:

  • Final Draft: in-app purchase for full use
  • Celtx: FREE
  • WriterDuet – FREE
    Rumored to be slowly overtaking Final Draft as the industry favorite
  • Scripts Pro: approx. $19.99
    Highly reviewed, contending app; compatible with Final Draft & Celtx
  • Slugline: Simply Screenwriting: approx. $39.99
    Nothing substantially differentiated from the others, but worth checking out

You will soon discover what works best for you. Good luck!

Extra credit

Ruminate on your movie title. You should be happy with your choice – but remember that you can always change it.


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